About Us
Worship & Sacraments
Small Groups
All Parish Conference
Faith Formation
Youth & Children
Volunteer Ministries
Contact Us

An Emmanuel group helps get you connected with the parish and helps you to grow in faith.

One of the blessings of a large church is that there are enough people interested in a variety of offerings that smaller groups can be formed in which one can make friends and do things one especially enjoys. A small group is one in which you are known personally and missed when you are not there. In the case of a church, it is also one that has a faith dimension. 

Think about joining one of the groups listed below or even starting a new one. If you would be interested in forming a new group, contact the Rector.

Men of Emmanuel
Men of Emmanuel meets regularly for fellowship, study and service. Major events include Trivia Night, Brown Bag volunteering, and a fall parish dinner. Each February, the group holds a Men's Retreat. A group meets at Stratton's on Thursday mornings for Bible Study.

Contact Brian Stephenson, President, at 432-2194 or bgstephenson@netscape.net for more information.

Women's Book Club
The Women’s Book Club meets nine times a year, usually on the 4th Monday of the month, with only one meeting set during the summer.  Our small group (six to twenty women) shares refreshments, fellowship, a love for literature, and the awareness we’ve gleaned from each month’s book.  Since there is a minimum of non-essential “chit-chat,” our meetings don’t usually run past 8:30. 

Communications are conducted by e-mail, but we would be happy to accommodate any non e-mailers who would like to join us!  For further information, please contact Ann McReynolds at 960-0560 or at ARMcR@arm-mra.com

Emmanuel Play Readers

Emmanuel Play Readers “reads” a play performance every other month.  Contact Ann Marie Ruhlin at amruhl@sbcglobal.net or 656-5238 or Karl Reif at karl1@att.net or 961-3743.

Bible Study Groups
Bible Study Groups foster fellowship while developing a greater understanding of sacred texts.

Music Groups
Do you love to sing or love music? There is a music group for any age here at Emmanuel.

Family Ministry
Family Ministries offers fun, faith-filled activities for families with small children. Family Ministries is about connecting parents who want to both grow in their own faith and also learn new ways to raise their children with a strong faith foundation.  The primary work of faith formation happens in the home, and we want to support one another in making that happen.  It’s great if our kids get to know each other better, too! 

Please contact Tricia Copeland at tlcope@swbell.net or Daniel Appleyard Rector, at 314-961-2393 or dappleyard@emmanuelepiscopal.org